Conference conducted at the PHP Forum 2021, I had the opportunity to present why to use Sylius without e-commerce, and also how. Through this talk you will discover the different ways to use Sylius, the different plugins available, and how
Installing Sylius
In progress…
Sylius, few spices later
Conference for the Developer Circles Lille at Euratechnologies, I’ve given a feedback about Sylius after some months of development. I have also made a presentation of the front and back office. Slides are not available.(Well, I did, but since it’s
Develop with Sylius in 40 minutes
Conference during the AFUP Day Lille 2019, I made a global presentation of the e-commerce framework Sylius. Infrastructure, fixtures, states machine, etc. you will learn some Sylius’ concepts if you read these slides. No video available because it was not