In sales_flat_quote_item and sales_flat_quote tables, discount_amount and base_discount_amount fields give you the discount amount on each item of your cart/order. However, if you have many salesrule on your item, you can’t have the discount for each rule. Avoid the rewrite
Ajaxify breadcrumbs on Magento
When you have to put varnish on a website, you may need to ajaxify the breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs by navigation, that’s bad ! On Magento, the breadcrumbs can be different with the customer navigation. It’s not SEO-friendly for some people who say
Magento Vulnerability to patch now
SUPEE-5994 is the patch you need to install on your Magento stores (Enterprise and Community). It’s a little to late to prevent you, but i saw a lots of visitors searching for this patch on my website, so I decided
Remove Magento redirection after customer logout
In the basic behaviour of Magento, when the customer logouts, there is a special page with a redirection few seconds after. You can easy change this redirection without rewrite Magento core.
Resolving a Remote Code Execution Exploit
Magento recently identified potential exploits that: Enable an attacker to execute arbitrary code on your Magento server. Create files with a .csv extension, create writable directories, and change the permission of existing files to world-writable (777).
Call an Event after a System Config save
It’s very easy to call an event after save of a “System / Config” page section. In the config.xml of your module, add this code:
Get current Magento Admin User
This is a short post which will show you how to retrieve the current user on the Magento Admin Panel
Easily Test API V1 Magento
When you have got to test your Magento API Methods, it can be complicated. One day, I had to create/modify API method on Magento, these methods were used on iPad. Without an iPad, I create a little script in order
Use a Varien Data Collection with filters, sorts (orders) and limits
In a previous post, I shew how to create an Array attribute in Varien Object Class on Magento. Now it’s time to use your object in a Varien_Data_Collection. When your create a Varien Data Collection, filters functions and others are defines,
Create an Array attribute in Varien Object Class on Magento
One day, I needed to create a custom object on Magento, I had a lot of problems, but the most annoying was to create en array attribute in a custom class which inherit Varien_Object ! It looks like a simple